The Spera Lab studies landscape-level human-environment interactions. We are interested in what drives our decisions to change land cover and land use, and what the environmental consequences of these changes are. To answer these questions, we use a variety of methods, including remotely-sensed data analysis, climate modelling, GIS, and spatial statistics.
We're hiring a postdoc!
Apply to join our Local Indigenous Landscapes Team to work in collaboartion Native American communities across Virginia to support climate resilience.
Job ad here.
We plan to start looking at applications at the end of February, but will receive apps until the position is filled.
Apply to join our Local Indigenous Landscapes Team to work in collaboartion Native American communities across Virginia to support climate resilience.
Job ad here.
We plan to start looking at applications at the end of February, but will receive apps until the position is filled.

If you are a UR undergrad interested interdisciplinary geography research and ensuring we manage our environment and resources responsibly, email [email protected].